Friday, November 28, 2008

Chris Crittenden: Poet, Philosopher, Eco-Feminist, Ethicist

Yes, I will shamelessly promote my husband's writing. He is a genius when it comes to words, and his writing is one of the things that attracted me to him about ten years ago. He has had hundreds of poems and articles published internationally and I am proud of his accomplishments. He keeps quite a rigorous writing schedule between working on his novel, his poetry, and editorials. It's more of a process than most would realize. He spends a lot of time holed-up in his office in the house, but when weather is a bit warmer, he writes in the meditation hut on the hill behind our house (see photo left). I asked him for a website link with some of his writings - and he suggested the Bolts of Silk blog site. You'll find it listed under my Website Links on the right of the website. Also, Chris' blog, Ghost Owl, is listed under my blog sites.