Monday, May 25, 2009

Busy Busy - No big blog this week

Given that this has been a super hectic week and it is holiday for many, AND I missed my usual posting on Sunday, I am not going to do my usual lengthy blog. It was a wild, fun week meeting Carol and Andrea from Figures of Speech Theatre. Then I was on the road to visit with family and friends while Chris stayed home to prepare lectures for his online ethics course at UMM. Now I have a zillion things I need to do to prepare for this coming week.

I will be back next weekend with a deeper post about all the wonderful art happenings in my life and around Lubec. I hope everyone enjoyed beautiful weather the past few days as we have! I am off for a long walk to breathe in the warmth and sun, clear my mind, and return with energy to get all the things done that I need to get done today.