Sunday, January 27, 2013

Home Remodel Gone Bad

One of my most recent projects - a collection of ceramic column vessels imprinted with American Can Factory brick remnants which were found along the shore in Lubec. The factory burned in the early 1900's.
Heading into major Herring Collectors Series production in a couple days.
I have been commissioned to create the awards for the 2013 Bay of Fundy Marathon.
 This is what my pottery studio currently looks like.
It's a real mess while I try to mud, prime, and paint.
Well, one thing is for sure. I shall never have a job as a drywall contractor.
My Christmas gift from family this year was several panels of sheetrock to enclose the ceiling and one wall of my pottery cave. This mini "remodel" is an attempt to conserve heat and contain clay dust. Funds did not include the finishing details so I have taken that task upon myself. While I actually found the process of applying the tape and mud enjoyable, I am not skilled at it. I made a huge, sloppy, bumpy, crusty mess. Everywhere. This morning I actually looked at a youtube how-to video and it turns out that I was lacking not only technique but also the right tools for the job. Why didn't I think to peek at the video BEFORE I began?
What I thought would be a one day project to mud, prime, and paint is now onto day three. The studio is in complete disarray. While trying to smooth the lumps, I cut my finger with the putty knife. Soon after, I stepped backwards off a step stool up against the kiln's metal computer module receiving a nasty scratch on my backside. Blood wiped up, bandaids and neosporin applied, I returned to the task at hand. This time, I resigned myself to the faux stucco bands of joint compound and began to apply the primer paint.
This just wasn't my day. The gallon of primer, which I thought would cover the one wall and ceiling did not cover even the ceiling. Tonight, the ceiling is primed with the exception of two 6x24 inch patches. I want to get this done and put supplies back on the shelves.Work is piling up and I am itching to dive in.
The past few days were busy with a few appointments and meetings and was mostly about getting things in order for the next few months. Lubec Arts Alive met and it is time to get ideas for this summer's project formalized. I also finished up some paperwork for a new project, submitted state sales tax, lined up summer vending venues, picked up my woven work from the show in Calais, and met with friends for a lovely afternoon tea and talk. I even spent some time at the library looking through the art book collection. I still have more tax paperwork to do but will wait for a nice rainy day to pull out the receipts and forms.
I have plenty of work to keep me busy up until the shop re-opens and craft show vending begins. Lubec and Campobello have joined forces in the Bay of Fundy Marathon and I was approached about making the awards for this year's event. I will be spending the next four months carving herring ware for the various category winners. The event will have both a full international marathon and 10k race. If you are a runner, check out the website for event specs. So far over two hundred people have signed on for the full marathon. Amazing! Get training and you just might become the owner an original handcarved Herring Collectors Series piece made by me! All my training will be in the studio. I won't be running, but you can catch me at the Expo.
I am in my seventh semester of the MFA program at Heartwood College of Art. I have been fortunate to work with some wonderful mentors and look forward to seeing what develops in the studio this time around. Even though I have a general plan, I never really know what the final project will be until the very end. A lot can change over the course of a few months. It's wild to think that I have six semesters behind me and that there are only four more to go. It's kinda hard to imagine life without my pod mates!!!

I just discovered that Chris's dad has officially been added to the North Carolina Chess Hall of Fame. Pretty cool! He was the youngest state champion at the wee age of fourteen. Congrats Kit! Check out the page, and be sure to click on Tom Hales account of meeting Kit for the first time. It's a good read!
Well, that's the current update from Lubec, Maine. Loving my life as an artist and learning as I go. It's time for me to retreat into the studio for a while to get some things done. February I need to stay focused. January was fun with all the socializing, but boy do I need some studio time!!!!