Monday, June 4, 2012

Enjoying the Post-opening Quiet and Solitude

 Chris is hard at work preparing this year's garden plot. We are a bit behind as usual with planting, but the past few weeks have been super busy.

 A picture of Lubec Landmarks where my show "RAZED" just opened. To the left are the old McCurdy Smokehouses. It is Landmark's mission to preserve local history/culture through restoration of the smokehouse. They already restored the skinning shed which is now a little museum. I am pleased that the commission from art sales helps toward this goal!

"Facade" was the final piece to be hung in the show. I finished work right down to the wire, so to say, and am happy that this piece is going to an excellent new home!!!  I love it when one of my artworks resonates with someone that I so greatly admire.

 The opening reception was filled with people that I adore. I am still overwhelmed by the incredible support that I have received in this community. I feel truly blessed and am grateful for the presence of such talented, caring, loving, and uplifting people in my life. Thank you!

 How could I not post this picture? Tina is waving a friendly "hello" to everyone! Incidentally, Tina is an amazing jewelry artist and it was an honor to have her join us at the opening. In the background, Fred Pierce, who organizes Cobscook Bay Music, was a sweetheart to offer up some impromptu guitar playing.  His talent was a beautiful addition to the opening. Thank you, Fred!

Sunday was wonderfully relaxing after all the wild energy and excitement of the previous two weeks. The winds were whipping wild in Lubec so Chris and I took a ride out to the lighthouse to see the waves.

Aaaaahhhhh. Laying in bed at the moment thinking about my blog, listening to the silence in the house save for the wind that occasionally kicks up. The past week or so has been a tornado of activity and this gentle re-entry into the work week is much needed and appreciated. The art opening at Lubec Landmarks was wonderful and all I can think is how fortunate I am to have the life that I have and to be surrounded by such genuinely caring, supportive, and talented people.  It was a real treat that my parents and sister were able to make the trek to Lubec. I loved introducing them to my friends and showing them a bit of what the community is like here. This really is a special place and I think they were able to experience a bit of that.

There were so many highlights of opening day which included seeing friends that I didn't expect to show up due to travel distance. I wish that I could have spent more time with each person but know that I will see them all later in the summer. Have you ever been to an opening where a Maine Coon cat steals the show? It happened here in Lubec. Thank you, Lulu, for coming to the show! Oh, and I must not forget, Daisy Dog arrived in her little buggy as well.  I really do appreciate the furry-friend support!

The night before my opening Chris and I were in Eastport at the Tides Institute and Museum of Art for Nina Bohlen's "Lubec Woods Monotypes".  When viewing Nina's work, I felt a sense of deep reverence for the woods and was transported to a space of great spiritual meaning. Her work particularly resonated with me because it is these same woods of North Lubec that Chris and I look out to and walk in every day; the woods in their natural state of growth and decay, with trees uprooted and leaning. I particularly enjoyed Nina's remark: "I once heard someone say that asking an artist to speak about their art is like asking a plant to speak about horticulture." If you haven't been to the Tides institute to see Nina's exhibit, please do. It shouldn't be missed.

I enjoyed the quiet and solitude of yesterday that allowed the introvert in me to have full acknowledgment. After a hearty home-cooked breakfast with family, I was gifted time in the studio to work on a gentle encaustic piece. I have upcoming deadlines that still loom and a lot to get done this week, but I am feeling pretty good, at this moment, that I will be able to accomplish everything while working in a serene space with much time for reflection.

I am waking quite early lately (around 4:00 a.m.!) and now that three hours have passed, it is time for me to get some wax melting. Copper chakra pods, here I come!