November 9-11, 2012
Fri. 3-7, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5
Visit us at our Lubec shop this coming weekend to get a jump on your holiday shopping! Shop Maine-made pottery and jewelry, enjoy refreshments and holiday cheer, and sign up to win a Cobscook Pottery gift certificate!
Exciting Announcement!
by Chris Crittenden
(Yep, that's my poet-philosopher husband's latest e-book release!)

Bricks at Comstock Point. New project developing? We'll just have to wait and see!
Several loads of pottery fired last week!
Had a great time vending the Maine Crafts Guild show at the State Museum in Augusta this past weekend.
There are some perks when driving long winding back roads early in the morning....incredible views! I took this shot in Wesley Maine just as I turned onto Rte. 9. The lifting fog was magical.
Okay. Some photos are hard to explain. So I won't. I'll just say that I had yet another memorable and incredible MFA residency weekend in Kennebunk at Heartwood College of Art. I took LOTS of fantastic photos to share...however, they are on my computer....which is back at HP headquarters because it died on me last week. My pics are, sadly, gone (lesson: BACKUP often!). This is the only photo that I have from the weekend!
I've been itching to blog but a hectic schedule compounded by a broken computer kind of put a damper on things. For the past two weeks I have been slogging along on an old laptop with a malfunctioning keyboard that made typing a single sentence a lesson in patience. Chris left for campus a bit ago and I am now reveling in the fact that I have access to his computer for a few hours to finally type an entry at a normal pace without having to bang the space bar at the end of every word.
I just returned from a few days in central Maine where I participated in a Maine Crafts Guild show at the state museum. I spent a bulk of the past few weeks preparing work. This show carried a bit of jittery angst since I was to be juried. I am ecstatic to report, after a friendly and insightful jury appointment, that I was officially accepted into the guild. I look forward to traveling and vending with this friendly and talented group of artisans. The weekend was especially pleasurable since I was able to connect with family and friends that I don't get to see often enough. I am so incredibly grateful for my parents and sister's help while I was in town, all of whom are now referred to as "Team Wheelock." With car fully packed, I returned to Lubec today where Chris helped to unload the heavy boxes of pottery back into the shop where I will spend a chunk of this week setting-up for this coming weekend's annual holiday sale. No rest for the wicked or the weary!
Chris. Ah Chris. While I was away for my MFA residency weekend two weeks ago, Chris was a busy little poet. He finalized details on a poetry book that is now available as an Ebook on Amazon. We are a very excited household of late. Check it out! (click here)
My weekend residency at Heartwood College of Art was fabulous as usual. Now at midway point in the program I think often how glad I am that I chose this program for my MFA work. It has been the perfect fit for me, very affirming of the artist's journey. An all-around positive experience. I often say that it is a real grass-roots down-to-earth program. I just happen to be in an all-female pod which I love. I admire every woman in the group who is sharing this journey with me.
The upcoming weekend is one that I look forward to. We host our annual Cobscook Pottery holiday sale. My sister, who is a phenomenal jeweler, will visit for the weekend to sell her pieces alongside my work and the other goodies on display in the shop. We'll warm cider on the stove and play some of the, you know, holiday music that has everyone saying "it isn't even Thanksgiving and already they are playing Christmas music!" It will be blues and jazz holiday tunes, so that makes it a little bit better doesn't it? All summer long the visitors to my studio are mainly those who are passing through (ayuh, tourists and summer folks). But, the holiday sale is mostly year round folks that we know well so it is a fun gathering for me.
I am afraid I have have run out of steam for the night and the deep thoughts about election and hurricane will have to wait for another day. I am glad know that my cousin and friends in NY and NJ and other spots along the east coast are safe and well. My heart was breaking for many, and was as well deeply touched by acts of compassion and generosity.